International members of The Reality of Aid Management Committee, the Secretariat staff, colleagues from Norway and Europe came together for three days in Oslo to launch the 2006 Reality of Aid Report on Conflict, Security and Development.  The Network was honored to have present at its international launch Richard Manning, Chairperson of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), Torbjørn Urfjell representing Norway’s Minister of International Cooperation, and Gunnar Garbo, author of the Norwegian Reality of Aid chapter.  The launch and related conferences were generously hosted by the Reality of Aid’s partner, Norwegian ForUM, its staff and chairperson, Halle Hanssen.

Members of the Network moved on from Oslo to Paris for an in-depth discussion of the Report’s key messages with member representatives to the Development Assistance Committee (DAC), colleagues from the Development Centre and the Development Directorate for the DAC at the OECD.

Background briefing papers highlighting the key messages and the Report can be downloaded from the Reality of Aid Global Reports Section.  The key messages are attached to this Newsletter.  Network members can order bulk copies of the Report from the Secretariat (

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