News and Events
From May 2 to 5, the 56th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was held to convene various stakeholders to discuss and influence the ADB’s administrative, financial and operation directions. With the theme, “Rebounding Asia: Recover, Reconnect, and Reform,” the meeting tackled how the Asia-Pacific region will address development challenges borne from the pandemic, economic crisis and climate change. The Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific (RoA-AP), along with members and allies, initiated this CSO
This article was originally published in südostasien, a German magazine focused on amplifying voices on and from Southeast Asia on economic, political, and cultural issues. Read the piece in German here. by Tala Batangan, Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific Southeast Asia has been touted as an emerging region, with potential for immense economic growth and development. With this, its energy demand has continuously increased by 3% in the last two decades, but the majority of this
In order to move forward with Agenda 2030, the current approach to development that promotes profit over positive development outcomes, enables corporate capture over democratic ownership of development priorities and puts the marginalized further at risk, must be transformed… This entails addressing systemic barriers and forwarding a development justice framework that forwards a people-centered, rights-based and climate-resilient approach for genuine, inclusive sustainable development.  The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
PRESS RELEASE April 3, 2023 Last March 29, “Fit for Purpose?: Forwarding the localization agenda to address the conflict and climate crises in the Asia-Pacific region” was virtually held at the sidelines of the 10th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD).  The side-event was organized by the Reality of Aid – Asia Pacific (RoA-AP), North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS), Pacific Islands Association of Non-governmental Organisations (PIANGO), Coastal Development Partnership (CDP), and the CSO Partnership
The release of the OECD-DAC’s (Development Assistance Committee) Development Cooperation Report 2023 (DCR 2023) posed vital debates on the aid system which are relevant to progress towards improving the current architecture. The Report highlighted important discussions on localization, power imbalances, and refinement of funding mechanisms to support the advancement of marginalized communities. The DAC recognizes that more work needs to be done to deliver the 0.7% (GNI) ODA commitment of donor countries and for development
In 1992, The Reality of Aid Network (RoA) was initiated as an aid monitoring project which revolved around the production of a Report that monitored donors’ performance from the lens of poverty reduction. The Network was formed to articulate concerns from the global South regarding systemic issues of aid quality. At the same time, it aimed to consolidate a broad North-South membership under Southern leadership, which is crucial in giving voice to the often neglected




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