News and Events
The Report was internationally launched in June. A sample of the excellent coverage is available on the Reality of Aid website.  Reality of Aid Network members are planning the following launches: New Zealand – July Fiji – July Australia – Sept Nepal – Sept Pakistan – Sept Liberia – Sept Manila – Sept Europe (ALOP) – Sept Guatemala, Chile, Uruguay – Sept to Dec Kenya / World Social Forum – An all day session is
The RoA Management Committee and the Forum for Environment and Development (ForUM), the Norwegian partner for Reality of Aid, invite you to the International Launch of the Reality of Aid 2006 Global Report in Oslo, Norway.  There are a number of events planned on the following dates: DATE EVENT TIME June 19,2006 Launch of the RoA 2006 Report  10 am – 1 pm Press Conference   1 pm –  2 pm Seminar on Key Messages
We are pleased to announce that the Reality of Aid 2006 Global Report focusing on conflict, security and development is now available. The international retail price is 16USD per book. However, there is a special rate for RoA members: Southern members – 7.50 USD per copy, excluding delivery and handling charges; `Northern members – 12 USD per copy, excluding delivery and handling charges. Special discounts are given for bulk orders of more than 25 copies. We are also
OTTAWA (CP) – A disproportionate amount of international aid is pouring into Iraq and Afghanistan for self-interested reasons that have more to do with the fight on terrorism than poverty reduction, says a new report. The Reality of Aid Network’s annual 2006 global overview of development assistance states that Iraq and Afghanistan swallowed up $10 billion of the $27 billion in new aid added to donor budgets between 2000 and 2004. Only one quarter of
RoA co-sponsored events at the World Water Forum 2006 The Asian Water for the People Network, Reality of Aid and the Asia-Pacific Research Network and the International Initiative on Corruption and Governance are pleased to invite you to the following events during the World Water Forum and Rallies in Defense of Water in Mexico City: March 17 14:15-16:15 How to Overcome Corruption in Water Resources Management Venue: Banamex Center, Mexico City 19:00 Welcome Dinner for Asian Water
The world’s military spending has surged back up to $1 trillion (U.S.) a year, the old Cold War level, thanks chiefly to the “war on terror.” That is $200 billion more than in 2000, before Al Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks. And it is money the United States, Canada and other major donors could have put to far better use helping the world’s poorest by meeting the United Nations target of spending 0.7 per cent of our




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