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MENSAJES Y PROPUESTAS CLAVES RUMBO A BUSAN BetterAid – Open Forum Preguntas y  Propuestas  Claves de las  OSC’  es un documento en construcción que tiene como objetivo  estimular  la discusión  entre  las organizaciones  de  la sociedad  civil,  cuya contribución activa a través de comentarios posibilitará que el documento refleje las posiciones de las OSC de todo el mundo. A  través de las ‘Preguntas Claves de las OSC’, la sociedad civil hace un llamado a todos
MENSAJES Y PROPUESTAS CLAVES RUMBO A BUSAN BetterAid – Open Forum Preguntas y  Propuestas  Claves de las  OSC’  es un documento en construcción que tiene como objetivo  estimular  la discusión  entre  las organizaciones  de  la sociedad  civil,  cuya contribución activa a través de comentarios posibilitará que el documento refleje las posiciones de las OSC de todo el mundo. A  través de las ‘Preguntas Claves de las OSC’, la sociedad civil hace un llamado a todos
SUVA, FIJI ISLANDS (11 July, 2011). A Pacific regional meeting on aid and development effectiveness has reinforced an international call for people to be brought to the centre of development and that development co-operation and aid effectiveness processes are people centered, respect human rights and achieve social justice as cornerstones of aid and development effectiveness. In recent years, the Pacific region has experienced structural adjustments, political instability and policy changes in its development assistance landscape.
CONCLUSIONS AND PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS First we would like to highlight the participation of the authorities of the Dominican Government in this consultation, represented by the Ministry of Economical Planning and Development. Likewise the support and the accompaniment of IBON/Reality of Aid and Better Aid. This consultation has reaffirmed: The interest of the organizations of civil society, (CSOs), to participate in the follow-up evaluation of the agreements closed in international summits in relation to effectiveness of
(Plus a strategy session on Rio+20 on 17 August 2011) Reality of Aid Asia-Pacific (ROA-AP), IBON International and the Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) are pleased to announce the dates for the Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Development Models: Promoting a Transformative Agenda for Sustainable Development in Busan and Beyond, to be held 15-16 August 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference aims to achieve the following: Increase the awareness and understanding of CSOs and peoples’
Lomé – CSOs cited highly technical discussions, unsystematic CSO participation and limited resources as main challenges for CSOs to participate in official dialogue mechanisms on aid and development effectiveness.  In her welcome remarks, Mme Ama Elise Esso, President of Groupe d’Action et de Réflexion pour l’Environnement et le Développement (GARED), emphasized the need to create spaces for CSO participation and reinforce human rights as the focus of development programs. CSOs shared that the highly technical




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