News and Events
L’an 2011, le lundi 08 Aout s’est ouvert dans la salle de réunion de l’hôtel Terminus de Niamey, l’atelier de consultation nationale des OSC nigériennes sur l’efficacité de l’aide et du développement pour une durée de deux jours. Les travaux de la première journée de l’atelier se sont déroulés en six séances : La cérémonie d’ouverture de l’atelier ; La présentation des participants et la formulation par eux-mêmes de leurs attentes ; La communication du Gouvernement suivie de
Global Launch of the Reality of Aid 2011 Report Democratic Ownership and Development Effectiveness: Civil Society Perspectives on Progress since Paris 5 October 2011 / 12.30-14.00 Roger Ockrent Room, OECD Chateau Paris, France   Executive Summary As the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness is fast approaching and the 2015 target for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals is just around the corner, civil society organizations (CSOs) engage in dialogue and strengthening reform
English Version C O N C L U S I O N E S I. Formas, mecanismos y procedimientos para avanzar hacia la apropiación inclusiva y democrática de la ayuda para el desarrollo y el rol de las OSC en esta perspectiva. 1. Los avances en la apropiación de los aportes de la cooperación al desarrollo son limitados por la existencia de un Estado débil en términos de su institucionalidad para el planeamiento, así como
Dili – “The ten-year presence of aid has not been effective in Timor Leste”, thus summarizes the speech of Minister of Economy and Development Sr. Joao Gonsalves during a CSO-led multi-stakeholder consultation on aid and development effectiveness in Dili from August 22-23.  He added that poverty has in fact increased from 33.7 to 49.9% from 2001-2007 according to a joint survey by the World Bank (WB) and the government, despite the influx of ODA to
Buenos Aires – Around 30 CSO representatives, government officials and the academe, gathered in a two-day multi-stakeholder consultation to discuss and come up with a common agenda of Argentine’s civil society on the issue of Aid Effectiveness towards Development Effectiveness in Argentine’s context on August 2 and 3. Ambassador Oscar Laborde from the Chancellery’s Consultative Body for Civil Society confirmed the government’s adherence to the PD and AAA principles and pointed out, that there is
Santo Domingo – More than 40 national level CSOs gathered to hold a national consultation on “International Cooperation for Development in the Dominican Republic” last August 18 and 19. Organized by Alianza ONG, a Dominican CSO engaged in the issue of aid and development, together with IBON/Reality of Aid’s Country Outreach Program, the well-attended and media covered consultation put forward the following demands: For the Dominican government to: “Recognize the potential of Dominican Republic for




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