by Reality of Aid | Nov 20, 2014 | Events and Meetings, Global Reports, News
Since the early1990s, the Reality of Aid (RoA) Network, a Southern-led North/South network on reforming aid policies and practices, publishes a major global report assessing development aid for poverty reduction with an emphasis on qualitative analysis of the national...
by Reality of Aid | Jul 4, 2014 | CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, Events and Meetings
Despite its position as a large middle-income country, Indonesia continues to face significant development challenges, as a large number of Indonesians remain poor. There is a need as well as a challenge to translate the existing resources into better development...
by Reality of Aid | Jun 24, 2014 | CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, Events and Meetings, News, United Nations
Rights-based and people-centered sustainable development financing was the primary message of civil society groups during the Asia Pacific Outreach Meeting on Sustainable Development Financing held last June 10-11 in Jakarta. The meeting will feed into the on-going...
by Reality of Aid | Dec 17, 2013 | CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, Events and Meetings, Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation
CSO Taipei Consensus Taipei, Taiwan, 13-14 December 2013 We the participants of the Northeast Asia CSO Consultation on CPDE held in Taipei on 13-14 December 2013; recognizing and noting the significance of the second sub-regional meeting with four national CSO...
by Reality of Aid | Nov 22, 2013 | Events and Meetings
The Reality of Aid Network will be holding its Global Meeting within the European Development Days (EDD) event. All Reality of Aid members who have registered in the European Development Days are invited to attend the Global Meeting on November 27, 2013, from 1:00 PM...
by Reality of Aid | Oct 10, 2013 | Events and Meetings, International Finance Institutions, News
IBON International Update Washington, D.C., October 9—The goal to end extreme poverty worldwide by 2030 is now part of the World Bank Group’s (WB) new vision, adopted at its 2013 Spring Meetings in Washington, D.C. in April. The WB also adds the promotion of “shared...