Reality of Aid Africa Network Meeting

Highlights, Participants Selection of participants was based on the level of engagement as well as the level of engagement with the Reality of Aid “project” (as managed by AFRODAD) since its inception in Africa: Malawi Andrew Kumbatira, Malawi Economic Justice Network...

RoA Regional Meetings

For AFRICA 16-17 November 2008 Nairobi, Kenya For further details, please contact Mr Vitalice Meja ( For ASIA 19-20 November 2009 Colombo, Sri Lanka For further details, please contact...

RoA Global Meeting

Sida HQ, Valhallavägen 199 105 25 Stockholm, Sweden Program, Highlights, Participants Time Topic/Activity Resource Person/ Facilitator 08:30 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 09:15 Opening Ceremonies Mr. Bodo Ellmers EURODAD 09:15 – 09:45 Overview input on the...

Reality of Aid in 2008:Aid Reform Must Deepen By 2011

Accra, Ghana – While donors and governments are seeking to monitor the progress of the Paris Declaration (PD) at the Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness this week, civil society leaders are looking for broader and deeper reforms on aid. Civil society...