by Reality of Aid | Dec 13, 2011 | Events and Meetings
Representantes de 427 organizaciones de la sociedad civil, de 20 departamentos del país, en el marco del proceso preparatorio de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil –OSC– del IV Foro de Alto Nivel sobre la Efectividad de la Cooperación Internacional en el...
by Reality of Aid | Dec 13, 2011 | Events and Meetings
CONCLUSIONS AND PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS First we would like to highlight the participation of the authorities of the Dominican Government in this consultation, represented by the Ministry of Economical Planning and Development. Likewise the support and the...
by Reality of Aid | Dec 7, 2011 | News
“Busan is to do for the private sector what Accra did for civil society,” Donor, speaking at an event on the private sector in Europe. It is perhaps no surprise that a key focus by members of the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness has been to try to bring the private...