News and Events
The world is facing a global debt crisis largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, rising costs of food and fuel brought about by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and impending threats of climate change. In the Asia-Pacific alone, 25 countries are exposed to the food, energy, and debt crisis. As low and middle-income countries experience debt distress, the people are impacted the most, with increasing prices for basic commodities and lack of support for social
Deep Dives are working papers that discuss emerging trends and key issues related to Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific’s thematic areas and how these affect marginalized and vulnerable sectors such as women, Indigenous Peoples, and rural communities, among others. Deep Dives seek to inform Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific (RoA-AP) members, development actors, and the public on evidence-based data regarding aid and development cooperation in the region and beyond.  RoA-AP is currently looking for two (2) writers
Last March 28 to 31, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) held its annual Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development. The theme, “Building back better from COVID-19 while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Asia and the Pacific”, focused on the region’s recovery from the pandemic and the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) amid worsening development and climate crises. Echoing the messages from the
          Escazu Agreement: An Opportunity for the Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean in the Face of Environmental Crises Georgina Muñoz, RENICC, Nicaragua Perhaps the greatest challenge in our world today is the need to identify and implement solutions to our planet’s latent environmental crises. Many international conferences have been convened to discuss these issues, but these meetings have often had disappointing results. While our whole planet is experiencing the impact
                                           Canada’s International Assistance: Underfunded Feminist Ambitions  Gloria Novovic, Cooperation Canada Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP) established the country’s donor profile as one that is strongly supportive of human rights and trans formative gender equality efforts. However, persistently low budgets—with Canada’s current ODA is at a near historically low levels—have seriously hindered the effectiveness
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown opportunities for strengthening multi-stakeholder partnerships, especially among development partners, as they mitigate the economic, environmental and social impacts for the most vulnerable. Pandemic response efforts have often left women and children, farmers, fisherfolk, Indigenous Peoples, and urban poor, among other sectors, behind. Despite the trend of shrinking civic spaces and the threats they face, civil society organizations (CSOs) have served as ‘first responders’ to the threats of the pandemic, as




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