News and Events
With the recent visit of US Vice President Kamala Harris in the Philippines, the G20 Summit in Indonesia, and the APEC Summit in Thailand, the Asia Pacific region continues to be under the dominance of world powers such as the United States and China. The two superpowers’ tug of war in the region and their tactics to gain strategic alliances will inevitably lead to disproportionate impacts on the marginalized. Disguised as initiatives for cooperation, assistance
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In recent years, the private sector has emerged as a key development actor, as it is given a role in defining, pursuing and financing development. With this, there is a need to ensure that private sector entities promote responsible business behavior in development cooperation, promoting accountability, adhering to the development effectiveness principles and upholding the human rights-based approach. In this context, CPDE’s initiative on private sector engagement (PSE) is two-fold – monitoring existing PSE projects
In preparation for the 2022 Effective Development Cooperation Summit in Geneva, Switzerland in December, civil society organizations (CSOs) from across the Asia-Pacific gathered for a two-day conference to discuss the state of enabling environment for CSOs in the region and the Triple Nexus approach to conflict. Organized by the Asia constituency of the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE), Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific (RoA-AP) and Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF), the activity was titled “Regional conference
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) held its 55th Annual Governor’s Meeting last September 26-30, in a hybrid manner at its headquarters in Manila, Philippines. With the theme, “Positioning Climate Resilient Green Economy for the Post COVID-19 World”, the ADB tackled the most urgent challenges faced by the region and how they propose to solve these. However, in the face of the ongoing pandemic, rising debts, increasing conflicts and the worsening climate crisis, the ADB continues
The Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific (RoA-AP) and the Asia Constituency of the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE Asia) hosted their first hybrid Regional Meeting and Workshop entitled “Forging through Crises, Fostering Solidarities” in Jakarta, Indonesia from July 26 to 28, 2022.  Prev 1of13 Next   Advancing alternatives  The hybrid Regional Meeting aimed to foster camaraderie among members and facilitate discussion on key topics and institutional matters. RoA-AP Chairperson Jahangir Hasan Masum delivered the opening
As the pandemic continues to diminish the already inadequate support and assistance from development cooperation actors in addressing the world’s most pressing issues, there is an increasing gap between the world’s wealthiest nations and the least developed and developing nations in terms of pandemic recovery. Thus, there is a need to intensify the work in ensuring a people-centered, rights-based and climate-resilient recovery and development for the region’s marginalized and vulnerable sectors. The Reality of Aid




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