News and Events
Ottawa — Une part disproportionnée de l’aide internationale destinée à l’Irak et à l’Afghanistan sert des intérêts personnels qui ont plus à voir avec la lutte contre le terrorisme que des objectifs de réduction de la pauvreté, indique un nouveau rapport. Le rapport 2006 du Reality of Aid Network présente une vue d’ensemble de l’aide au développement. Il démontre que l’Irak et l’Afghanistan ont englouti près de 10 des 27 milliards de dollars qui avaient
Organization criticizes Canada for trying to open up the definition of development assistance to include money spent on the support of security personnel in countries like Afghanistan. International donor countries are focusing their aid money on Afghanistan, Iraq and other nations they feel are of strategic importance rather than those deemed to be the poorest and neediest, a new report says. In addition, the Reality of Aid Network’s 2006 global report found that in countries
The Reality of Aid 2006 Theme Statement “Security and Development” Introduction to Reality of Aid: The Reality of Aid (RoA) Project is the only major north/south international non-government initiative focusing on analysis and lobbying for poverty eradication policies and practices in the international aid regime. It brings together more than 40 civil society networks working in the field of international cooperation in 22 donor countries, in Asia, the Americas and Africa. Established in 1993, the
Over the past decade, aid and trade have become increasingly enmeshed as trade is seen as a key element of developing countries’ development strategies. The role of liberalized trade and investment regimes in ending global poverty is highly politicized as the analysis of development agencies, academics and civil society organizations continues to be dismissed by organizations such as the WTO. The increasing centrality of trade as a means for development received its clearest articulation in
Research and Publications
RoA Reports
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