News and Events
“Busan is to do for the private sector what Accra did for civil society,” Donor, speaking at an event on the private sector in Europe. It is perhaps no surprise that a key focus by members of the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness has been to try to bring the private sector “into the tent” through the front door of the Busan Outcome Document. Busan comes just over a year after G20 leaders put their
Suva – Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) urged the State to include them and acknowledge them as an integral stakeholder in the dialogue process on the road to the Busan Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in November 29 – December 1, 2011. These sentiments were expressed at a workshop on Developing the Capacity of CSOs on Aid and Development Effectiveness at the Studio 6 Conference Room last July 5. Organised by the NGO Coalition
The Reality of Aid Network (RoA) is in Busan, Republic of Korea – as part of the BetterAid Platform – for the Busan Global Civil Society Forum (BCSF) and the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4). The network successfully held its 2011 Global Meeting and Workshop on Aid and the Private Sector at the BCSF on 26 November 2011, attended by some 80-100 participants from RoA member organisations as well as other groups
PRESS RELEASE The global community is in a roll towards the much anticipated 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4) on November 29-December 1 in Busan, South Korea. In the forum, development actors are expected to highlight “achievements” of commitments made in the previous forums in Ghana (2008) and Paris (2005) while it is also anticipated that “new aid architecture” will be outlined. In the Philippines, a multi-stakeholders Technical Working Group (TWG) composed of
Twenty-five years after the Declaration on the Right to Development, making this right a reality for the world’s poor remains a huge challenge as developing countries and international development partners fall short in creating conditions to foster real development. This can be gleaned from a new report from the Reality of Aid Network titled “Democratic Ownership and Development Effectiveness: Civil Society Perspectives on Progress since Paris.” The report focuses on two critical areas in development
On the road to Busan, civil society organizations (CSOs) from 11 countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) gathered together in Istanbul to draft a common vision on development effectiveness and an action plan to raise their voices at the HLF4. The regional workshop, organized by Reality of Aid, with support from BetterAid and in coordination with UNDP, was to facilitate the participation of CSOs in EECA in the aid effectiveness process, wherein the




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