News and Events
21 April 2017 | 2:00pm-3:00pm | Washington DC, USA Background Technical cooperation (TC) remains one of the most heavily used forms of aid, accounting for between a quarter and a half of ODA. Bilateral donors provide most of TC (although steadily declining), but multilateral organizations maintained stable funding for technical cooperation from 1.6 billion USD in 2000 to 2.2 billion USD in 2014 (in constant 2013 USD), which is equivalent to around 12% of total
CONTENTS GLOBAL UPDATES CSOs, governments, and think-tanks discuss technical cooperation and capacity development at HLM2 Side Event Reality of Aid launches 2016 Global Report on Technical Cooperation About the New RoA Chair: Leo Atakpu ASIA-PACIFIC Asia Regional Meeting: Towards Universalizing Effective Development Cooperation RoA AP conducts ADE Training in Nepal, Pakistan AFRICA African CSOs discuss EDC during the Pan-African CSO Conference towards the Second High-Level Meeting of the GPEDC RoA Africa hosts Nairobi Civil Society
As militarism grows in response to an increasingly unstable world and threatens instead to take the world into greater instability and war, the rights of the poor need to be championed in order to achieve peace and development. This is one of the key messages from the CSO Forum workshop entitled Aiding Militarism held in on 29 November 2016 at the Pride Inn Centre, Westlands in Nairobi, Kenya. The activity aimed to present the impacts
CONTENTS Global Updates Reality of Aid Network holds Strategic Planning Workshop for 2016-2020 Reality of Aid holds Workshop on Measuring Effective SSDC, releases new publication Asia-Pacific AP CSOs call for CSO Enabling Environment in Regional Forums on Sustainable Development CSOs demand accountability, lament tokenistic space in the FfD regional dialogue ROA AP joins Workshop on Planning and Budgeting for Results: Leveraging Resources to Deliver Impact Africa Updates on CSO Participation in the Second Monitoring Round
Side Event in the UN DCF High level Meeting in July 2016 Background South-South cooperation (SSC) continued to grow despite the slowing down of the emerging economies and dropping commodity prices. The 2016 Report of the Secretary-General on “Trends and Progress in International Development Cooperation” points to the boost in momentum of SSC with the adoption of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, 2030 Agenda, and the Paris Agreement. There has been growing diversification of financing
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) held the First High-Level Follow-up Dialogue on Financing for Development in Asia Pacific on March 30-31, 2016 in Incheon, South Korea. More than a hundred participants attended the event, including nine (9) representatives from civil society organizations. The event was organized to provide different development actors a venue to review the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) commitments and discuss strategies for




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