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  This article is part of Reality of Aid – Asia Pacific’s COVID-19 Response Series, “Resisting Repression; Recovering Together”, which aims to document the struggles, best practices, and lessons learned, as well as share recommendations of RoA-AP members as they responded to the pandemic at the national or regional level. Read more stories here.     By Solidarity Foundation “The situation of our community is very dire because stringent restrictions have been implemented due to the
  This article is part of Reality of Aid – Asia Pacific’s COVID-19 Response Series, “Resisting Repression; Recovering Together”, which aims to document the struggles, best practices, and lessons learned, as well as share recommendations of RoA-AP members as they responded to the pandemic at the national or regional level. Read more stories here.     By Christina Lamremdik and Jiten Yumnam, Centre for Research and Advocacy – Manipur (CRAM)  COVID-19 IN MANIPUR: On March 24,
This article is part of Reality of Aid – Asia Pacific’s COVID-19 Response Series, “Resisting Repression; Recovering Together”, which aims to document the struggles, best practices, and lessons learned, as well as share recommendations of RoA-AP members as they responded to the pandemic at the national or regional level. Read more stories here.     By Firas Jaber, Social and Economic Policies Monitor (Al-Marsad) The outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) showed the vulnerability of
   Developing countries in Asia Pacific are trapped in the vicious cycle of debt. To say that the region is in distress or is in crisis is an understatement, and for decades, developing countries have been spending more of their revenues to pay their dues at the expense of the needs of their peoples. The COVID-19 pandemic heightened the reliance of developing countries to debt and while international finance institutions (IFIs) rapidly provided stimulus
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the New Development Bank (NDB) have touted themselves as the much-needed alternatives to the Western-dominated traditional International Finance Institutions (IFIs) like the World Bank Group (WBG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). The two new banks entered the development financing landscape to much fanfare with their mandate of catering to the development needs of the South, particularly in building sustainable infrastructure. Five years into their operation, how do they
Cancel Debt in Asia Pacific to Tackle Covid-19 Health and Economic Crisis   JUNE 25, 2020 4PM Manila / 6PM Sydney REGISTER NOW: MORE INFO HERE: *The Aid Talks webinar will also be live streamed on YouTube and available after the event. With potential impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic on sovereign debt for the poorest countries in the Asia Pacific region there is a growing regional and international call for the cancellation of all




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