by Reality of Aid | Oct 10, 2013 | International Finance Institutions, News
The Agenda For Change, first unveiled in 2011 and approved in May 2012, will determine European Union (EU)’s development policy in the coming years. It is an attempt to improve EU poverty reduction efforts by making its development assistance “more strategic, targeted...
by Reality of Aid | Aug 28, 2013 | Events and Meetings, News
24 August 2013 Bangkok, Thailand – Asia and the Pacific civil society groups representing 92 organisations from 21 countries representing various major groups and stakeholders gathered in Bangkok to formulate a just and transformative development agenda towards...
by Reality of Aid | Aug 27, 2013 | Events and Meetings, News
IBON Post-2015 Updates 27 August 2013 Bangkok, Thailand – Civil society has engaged Asia & Pacific governments in the Asia Pacific Ministerial Dialogue (APMD) to commit to real transformative change. Yet propositions that strongly articulate the need for...
by Reality of Aid | Aug 14, 2013 | CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, News
Following the success and achievements of civil society advocacy and engagement during the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, the Reality of Aid – Asia Pacific has successfully established the CPDE platform in the region. The 1st Asia Pacific CPDE...
by Reality of Aid | Aug 14, 2013 | Aid Observatorio, Events and Meetings, News
The Reality of Aid Asia Pacific (RoA-AP) held the CSO Aid Observatorio Regional Skills Training in Kathmandu, Nepal on 24-28 June 2013. The main objective of the training is to increase capacities of CSOs from pilot countries in setting up aid monitoring centers at...