The Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific and Aid/Watch Australia are currently hosting a webinar series called Aid Talks, which discusses the most pressing issues on aid and development cooperation today and the critical issues surrounding it. The fourth Aid Talks will be focused on the decolonisation of aid, entitled “Re-imagining Aid: Ending Structural Racism in the Modern-Day Aid System”.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
9 am UK / 11 am East Jerusalem / 4 pm Manila / 7 pm Australia / 8 pm Fiji
The very essence of modern aid, or at least the model designed in the aftermath of World War 2 has been consistently critiqued. The power and resources in the system remain dominated by, and between, certain organisations and relationships largely based in the global North which are steeped in structural racism. Most working in the sector have been aware such models of aid and development which envelop racism, power imbalances and colonial practices and mentalities have been perpetrated on the global South for decades. However, confronting being complicit in such a model has been less of a conversation held within the sector.
The Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific and Aid/Watch believe it is time to listen and then act on what partners in the global South are saying, recognize accumulated capabilities and knowledge and address the barriers which stop or serve to act as disincentives for a more equal, anti-racist aid and development programs spearheaded by those who are supposed to benefit.
“Re-imagining Aid: Ending Structural Racism in the Modern-Day Aid System” aims to:
- Unpack language and terminology surrounding the decolonization of aid
- Highlight the experiences of CSOs from the global South in dealing with the current aid system and their perspective on how to effectively promote local ownership of aid
- Discuss how international CSOs have been taking steps to re-imagine and decolonize aid and partnerships, in order to benefit local actors and pursue genuine development
CAROL SHERMAN is a former co-founder of Aid/Watch. She then went on to work with a variety of INGOs around the world, mainly in the position of Country Director. She is currently working as an independent humanitarian and development consultant.
EMELINE SIALE ILOLAHIA is the Executive Director of the Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (PIANGO) and formerly Executive Director of the Civil Society Forum of Tonga (CSFT). PIANGO is a regional platform of national umbrella CSOs in 24 Countries and Territories in the Pacific. One of its focuses is advocating for the recognition of Civil Society as a critical development partner in our own rights and should be engaged in public policy decision making that impacts the life of our people.
FIRAS JABER is the co-founder of the Social and Economic Policies Monitor- Al-Marsad. Al-Marsad is an initiative to monitor policies in order to ensure the protection of the economic, social and civil rights of Palestinians. Its vision is a free Palestinian society where social justice is realized through critical development approaches.
KRISTER HOLM is the Regional Director for Asia of Diakonia. Diakonia is a faith-based Swedish development organization that works with local partner organizations, with a vision of a just, equal and sustainable world.
RODOLFO LAHOY, JR. is the current Head of the Policy, Communications, and Training Team at IBON International, a Southern-based, capacity development organisation working with movements and CSOs for people’s rights and democracy.