Special Reports


  • Introduction
  • Opportunities and Threats in Central Asia
    Farida Abdyldaeva, Public Association “The Right Step”
  • Financing Concerns on the Operations of AIIB and NDB in South Asia
    Jiten Yumnam, Center for Research and Advocacy – Manipur
  • AIIB Financial Support for Indonesia’s Mandalika SEZ Deprives People’s Rights
    Kurniawan Sabar, Institute for National and Democracy Studies
  • China lending in the Philippines, No Strings Attached?
    Jennifer Guste, Council for People’s Development and Governance


Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the New Development Bank: Paradigm Shift or Rehashing Corporate-Led Development?



  • List of Acronyms
  • Foreword
  • Political Overview
  • Reviewing the EDC Principles on ADB’s Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement through the Country Safeguard Systems (CSS) in Southeast Asia
  • Assessing the Development Effectiveness of the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) program of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • ADB and Central Asia
  • Asian Development Bank’s Development Effectiveness in the Pacific: the Case of Papua New Guinea and Samoa


Asian Development Bank: (Mis)shaping Development Cooperation and Effectiveness in Asia Pacific




International Finance Institutions: Financing Dependency through Neoliberalism



  • IFI Financing in a Changing Context in Asia
    Jiten Yumnam, Center for Research and Advocacy – Manipur
  • ODA under the “Israeli” Occupation
    Abed Al-Salehi, AidWatch Palestine
  • Corporate Capture of Development: The Pacific’s Perspective
    David Hesaie, Pacific Islands Association of NGOs
  • Manifestations of Corporate Capture in Kyrgyzstan
    Farida Abdyldaeva, Public Association “The Right Step”
  • Corporate Capture of Development, The Philippine Experience
    Jennifer Guste, Council for People’s Development and Governance
  • On the Violation of Peoples’ Rights in India
    Jenison Urikhimbam, Youth Forum for Protection of Human Rights
  • Corporate Control of Food and its Impacts to Small Holders
    Kariyawasam Thilak, Sri Lanka Nature Group
  • Attacks on People’s Rights in the Rural Area in Relation to the Acceleration of Investment and Development in Asia
    Kurniawan Sabar, Institute for National and Democracy Studies
  • Migrants and Diaspora Collectively Fighting for Rights, Justice and Democracy
    Rey Asis, Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
  • Annexes
    Annex A: Program
    Annex B: International Monetary Fund-World Bank
    Annex C: Asian Development Bank
    Annex D: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank


Asserting Democratic Space Amidst Corporate Capture of Development



  • Introduction
  • Development Cooperation, Militarism and Conflict in Contiguous Areas of Bangladesh, North East India and Myanmar
    Jiten Yumnam, Center for Research and Advocacy Manipur
  • Militarization of Japanese Aid: The Northeast Asian Context
    Akio Takayanagi, Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation
  • Development Cooperation and Development Plans for Merauke
    Institute of Policy Research and Advocacy
  • Military and Police Interference in Land Disputes in the Agro industry Megaproject in Muting, Merauke
    Foundation for Papuan Village Children
  • Land Grabs and State Forces: Philippines, Cambodia,  Myanmar
    Council for People’s Development and Governance
  • Militarization in Tajikistan: Contexts and Conflicts of Interests in Central Asia
    Shamsiddin Karimov, Tajikistan National NGO Association


Assessing Aid and Militarism in Asia


  • Introduction
  • South–South Cooperation in context
  • Defining South-South Cooperation
  • History of SSC and the development of SSC Principles
  • Defining South-South Development Cooperation
  • Defining Human Rights-Based Approaches (HRBA)
  • HRBA in the context of SSC and SSDC
  • Efforts towards measuring SSDC
  • Towards a HRBA Monitoring Framework for SSDC
  • References


Towards Measuring South-South Development Cooperation



  • South-South Development Cooperation: A challenge to the aid system?
    The Reality of Aid Management Committee
  • South-South Cooperation or Southern hegemony? The Role of South Africa as a “superpower” and donor in Africa
    Moreblessings Chidaushe, Former Coordinator for the Reality of Aid Africa Project
  • Assessing the growing role and developmental impact of China in Africa: An African perspective
    African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD)
  • Contradictions in Development Aid: The Case of Zimbabwe 
    Godfrey Chikowore, Institute of Development Studies, University of Zimbabwe
  • South-South Development Cooperation: A Challenge to Traditional Aid Relations? 
    Edward Ssenyange, Uganda Debt Network
  • India: Transiting to a Global Donor
    C. R. Bijoy, Campaign for Survival and Dignity
  • Cuban Health Cooperation in Timor Leste and the South West Pacific 
    Tim Anderson, Aid Watch-Australia
  • Chinese foreign aid goes offtrack in the Philippines
    Roel Landingin, Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ)
  • Bank of the South: Progress and Challenges
    Isabel Ortiz and Oscar Ugarteche, Latin America Network on Debt, Development and Rights (LATINDADD)
  • South-South Cooperation between Venezuela and Cuba
    Carlos A. Romero, Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Annex: CSO Statement on South-South Cooperation 
    Presented during the UN Conference on South-South Cooperation
    (Nairobi, Kenya, 1-3 December 2009)
  • List of Members 


Cooperación Sur-Sur: ¿Un desafío al Sistema de la Ayuda? 2010

La Coopération Sud-Sud : Un défi pour le système de l?aide? 2010

South-South Development Cooperation: A challenge to the aid system? 2010




PART 1: Overview

  • Achieving Progress for Development Effectiveness in Busan: An Overview of CSO Evidence
    The Reality of Aid International Coordinating Committee

PART 2: Country Reports

  • Benin
    Challenges for Democratic Ownership and Development Effectiveness
    Aurélien C. Atidegla, Groupe de Recherche et d’Action pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture et du Développement (GRAPAD)/ Reality of Aid Africa
  • Cameroon
    Resources Giant, Development Failures: Improving Local Living Conditions by Implementing the Aid Effectiveness Principles
    Christine Andela and Samuel Biroki, COSADER : NGOs Collective for Food Security and Rural Development
  • Ghana
    Democratic Ownership and Development Results: Are the politics, policies, power and institutions properly aligned?
    Samuel Zan Akologo, Ghana Aid Effectiveness Forum
  • Kenya
    Towards Improving Democratic Ownership of Development
    ActionAid Kenya
  • Lesotho
    Civil Society Perspectives on Aid Effectiveness
    Maseru Lesotho, Economic Justice Network Lesotho
  • Nigeria
    Creating an Environment for Mutual Accountability and Democratic Ownership
    David Tola Winjobi, CAFSO-WRAG for Development
  • Rwanda
    Better Aid to End Aid Dependency
    Sulah Nuwamanya, ActionAid Rwanda
  • Senegal
    Challenges for Democratic Ownership and Development Effectiveness
    Demba Moussa Dembele, Africaine de Recherche et de Cooperation pour l’Appui au Developpement Endogene (ARCADE)
  • Sudan
    The Reality of Aid in Sudan: Democratic Ownership and Development Results for the People
    Medani Abbas Medani Mohamed, National Civic Forum
  • Uganda
    Uganda Registers Mixed Progress under the 2005 Paris Declaration
    Richard Ssewakiryanga, CSO Aid and Development Effectiveness Platform
  • Bangladesh
    Challenges for Democratic Ownership and Development Effectiveness
    Ahmed Swapan Mahmud and Farjana Akter, VOICE
  • Cambodia
    Implementing and Monitoring the Paris Declaration
    Monika Nowaczyk, Cooperation Committee for Cambodia
  • China
    Independent Ownership and Inclusive Parliament Lead to Development Success
    Shuwen Zhou, China Association for NGOs Cooperation
  • Indonesia
    Under the Shadow of the IMF and WB Conditionalities
    S.K. Nikmah and Don K. Marut, INFID
  • Kazakhstan
    Alternative Review of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration and the Accra
    Agenda for Action
    Yevgeniya Kozyreva, The Feminist League
  • Kyrgyzstan
    Country Monitoring Report on Aid Effectiveness
    Nurgul Djanaeva, Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
  • Lebanon
    Effectiveness of Government – a Prelude to Aid Effectiveness
    Nahwa Al Muwatiniya
  • Mongolia
    Monitoring Implementation of Paris and Accra Commitments: The Mongolian Experience
    Urantsooj Gombosuren, Centre for Human Rights and Democracy
  • Nepal
    Civil Society Perspective on Aid Effectiveness Reform
    Rabin Subedi, Rural Reconstruction Nepal, Nepal Policy Institute, Bheri Environmental and Excellency Group, Development Lawyer Association
  • Pakistan
    Backtracking from Development Agenda
    Shujauddin Qureshi, Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research, Karachi
  • Palestine
    A Civil Society Perspective on International Aid Effectiveness
    The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network
  • Philippines
    White Elephants in the Philippines: Ownership on Paper
    Nicolas Gloeckl, IBON International
  • Sri Lanka
    Creating Environments for Development Disasters
    Arjuna Seneviratne, The Green Movement of Sri Lanka Inc.
  • Tajikistan
    Country Monitoring Report 2010
    Juraeva Sh.A. Kast Kh.E., CSO “Jahon”
  • Vanuatu
    Failing to Catch the Flowing Tide of the Paris Declaration
    John Salong, Vanuatu Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (VANGO)
  • Yemen
    Assessing Ownership and Results for Development
    Nabil Abdulhafidh Majed, Social Democratic Forum
  • Bolivia
    Development Effectiveness in Bolivia: A Process in Gestation
    Juan Luis Espada and Susana Eróstegui, Unión Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Acción Social- UNITAS
  • Ecuador
    Between the Progress of the Citizen’s Revolution and the Difficulties of Civil Society
    Molina C. in collaboration with Celi C. and Toro A., Research Center CIUDAD- Observatory of the Cooperation to the Development in Ecuador
  • Guatemala
    Effectiveness of Cooperation for Development: A Balance Sheet
    Norayda Arabella Ponce Sosa and Helmer Velásquez, NGO and Cooperatives Coordination (CONGCOOP)
  • Honduras
    Abandoning Honduras?
    Ileana Morales, Foro Social de Deuda Externa y Desarrollo de Honduras (FOSDEH)
  • Mexico
    Tendencies in International Development Cooperation
    Laura Becerra Pozos, Equipo Pueblo
  • Peru
    Still Wanting In Development Results for the People
    Asociación Nacional de Centros de Investigación Social y Desarollo- ANC

PART 3: Thematic Chapters

  • Civil Society, Aid Effectiveness and Enabling Environment The Cases of Burkina Faso, Ghana and Zambia
    Vitalice Meja, Reality of Aid Network- Africa
  • An Assessment of Gender Equality and Human Rights Commitments in Paris
    Declaration/Accra Agenda for Action Plans
    Alexandra Pittman and Anne Schoenstein with Lydia Alpízar, Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)
  • Aid Effectiveness: How to Make It Healthier
    A Report Prepared for Action for Global Health
    Rebekah Webb

PART 4: Reality of Aid Update

  • A Reality of Aid Update: Trends in Total Official Development Assistance
    Brian Tomlinson, Reality of Aid Network-International Coordinating Committee

PART 5: Members Directory


Democratic Ownership and Development Effectiveness: Civil Society Perspectives on Progress since Paris


  • Introduction
  • List of Acronyms
  • Module I. From Aid Effectiveness to Development Effectiveness: Concepts and Definitions
  • Module II. People’s Research in Development Cooperation
  • Module III. Data Management
  • Module IV. Disseminating and Popularizing Information on Development Effectiveness


ADVANCING DEMOCRATIC OWNERSHIP: Training Manual for CSO Aid Observatories


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